The Compass Tree

Alex is an exemplary and empathic hypnotist. His personal creativity adds a great deal to what we teach at the academy and we hope to work with him even more. If you need a Hypnotist near Manchester we heartily recommend Alex.
Mr Jonathan Chase Master Hypnotist and Founder Hypnoarts Academy
I had tried several types of therapy, counseling, anything as had been through quite a tough time. Alex was recommended to me by a friend. He asked me to meet up for a chat first before the initial session. I seemed to get on really well with him, and was amazed to find out that was the way that he interviewed people to see if he is able to help them.
It is a pretty great idea as you are totally at your ease and Alex is very personable. He is a great therapist and helped me immensely. That is the thing about tapping, working with Alex, he makes you feel at ease and is sensitive to whatever it is that is troubling you. He is very good at working with you and although it can be painful, it can also give you closure. Something that I didn't think I would ever have.
I work with images and the way I process things in my mind is image based, he used his technique to draw on those images and help me, in the past, two other therapists had let me talk and suggested things that I might want to do, without relating to my personality or the way that my mind works. Since going to Alex I have not needed to see anyone else.
I would recommend both Alex and tapping to anyone, and I have done.
Miss RH, Artist, Bristol
I experience Alex to be a calm and charming person to work with. He is supportive, genuine and thorough. I would have no hesitation in recommending him to anybody. In fact I already have.
I have over 15 years experience as a qualified therapist and was very impressed with the eft session I had with Alex. I used this session to explore two areas. Firstly an innate sense of guilt and self- torment for something I had experiences a long time prior, but I was aware still effected me. Secondly the tendency I was having towards a compulsion about sugary things. The session was profound and powerful and I was reassured by the clarity of the techniques Alex used. It still surprises em that I have been able to dissociate from the feelings I have had previously to such an extent. That was some time ago and I am equally surprised at how long lasting the results of the technique is. Moreover I have not had to execute my will-power to cease engaging in these negative patterns
Miss MH. Therapist and trainer NHS. London
Alex has given me a tool that I can fall back on to help me deal with my emotions – something that gives me security and more self-assurance.
Mrs RW. Concert Coordinator Switzerland
I have been working with Alex for the past ten weeks. This is something I never thought I needed or really considered previously. However looking back now I realize it has given me the motive to change things in my life. Some of the changes are small whilst others are more life-style changes like getting fit. I can honestly say it has been a really rewarding experience and Alex is not some fluffy hippy-dippy type but a perfectly normal creative and intelligent human being. He has been really supportive and open to looking at complimentary practices and approaches that would have worked for me and my particular goals. I would recommend his techniques … well with Alex anyway. Since we started working together, I am much more confident, I drink a lot less, lost weight and even have been open to finding the perfect relationship.
Miss JB. Fashion Lecturer London
Thanks to Alex I am feeling really calm and happy with myself and my life.
Miss AS. Graphic Designer. Australia
Alex helped me to release myself from the physical and emotional pain I was feeling following an emergency operation on my leg. In only one session with Alex, which was an intensely powerful and uplifting experience, I have gone from being in constant pain, to no pain at all. I now have an awareness of feeling in my leg and an ability to move it - as well as a marked reduction in the emotional distress I have been feeling since my accident happened. Thank you Alex for all your help!
Miss SB, Manager, London
I passed my biggest test so far. I went to the basement that fills me with dread and is spider heaven. I have no fear at all anymore. Yay me!
Mr TB. West End Dancer, London
Alex is an extraordinary therapist and I never cease to be impressed at how quickly he goes to the heart of a problem, but in the most gentle and intelligent way. As a nutritional therapist I have often worked with Alex to treat clients whose ill health cannot be solved by dietary change alone. Underlying and unresolved emotional issues can have a huge impact on one's ability to achieve food related goals, which Alex understands entirely. Perhaps one of my favourite qualities of his is that he always makes you feel as if your problem has a solution and that he will support you in whatever way possible along that journey.
Miss LR, Reflexologist, Cheshire
Halfway through a crazy killer date where I'd normally be SO stresses. I'd realized I was remarkably calm. Thanks so much Alex.
Miss KS. TV Presenter. London.
Thanks to my sessions with Alex, I have learnt to look at various aspects of my life from a new viewpoint. I am a lot more positive and open to new possibilities, I appreciate what I have around me and notice that I have a different, more helpful attitude towards certain circumstances and people. I feel a lot calmer and more in control of my feelings and hence am a happier, more confident person. The tapping has opened up ways that allow me to face up to and cope with situations that would have made me feel anxious or sad before. Alex has given me a tool, which I can fall back on to help me deal with my emotions - something that gives me security and more self-assurance.
Mrs TS, Digital Artist and Designer, London
Hello my name is Andy and I recently met Alex at a related eft workshop in Brighton. On the second day of our training we had to pair up in groups of three and Alex was working with me for about twenty-five minutes. Alex took control of the situation very quickly and was very reassuring and extremely creative with his approach. thats why we called him the creative coach because his ability to get me to imagine different pictures for changing negative frames into more healthy and positive ones were awesome. i only met this guy for a very short period of time but the results were most effective.
Mr AW, Life-coach and Singer, London
I have had 4 or 5 sessions with Alex. A year down the line, and there has been no looking back, much has changed for the better. My personal and emotional growth, the release of negative emotional baggage and habits that no longer serve me and god does it feel great! Who would have thought it. If I hadn't experienced it for myself I'm not sure if I would have believed the extent of what can be accomplished with EFT. A session with Alex is filled with laughter, care and a gently nudge in the right direction. Alex has many techniques to offer, it's an easy going experience and well worth allowing yourself to go with it...there really is no down side. I'm happy to be feeling optimistic, energised and more like myself again. Thank you Alex.
Miss MD, Singer/Songwriter, London
Alex is intelligent, experienced, knowledgeable and perceptive.
I would say .. for me one of the reasons I feel good with Alex in one to one context is because. I know he will not be 'bullshitted' by the part of me that may evade or try to sabotage the process. This is due to his awareness. It feels like a very safe space for me. He is thorough. In addition to having trained extensively and thoroughly in a range of effective modalities, he is also a very experienced and gifted teacher and is a natural sensitive and intuitive. He is truthful and honest and can be very clear, direct and down to earth, always with gentleness, while also having awareness of the subtle levels and being dedicated to the best possible outcome for the client. He will go the extra mile to enable healing.
While I have never seen him teach I know his seminars must be lively, engaging and full of content with the focus always on the best possible outcome for the participants.
Mrs RF, Coach and EFT Practitioner, York
After 60 years of drinking tea with sugar, and 50 of those trying to stop that and lose weight I have finally done that after just one session with Alex. Immediately after the session I drank tea with sugar in. and continued to do so for the next three days. On the fourth day I was about to put sugar in my tea when I felt I really didn't want it. Since then I have drunk, and enjoyed tea without sugar. I have tried tea with sugar since and found it far too sweet. I always believed that I could never enjoy tea without sugar. After just one session with Alex I have proved how wrong I was. And I have lost over 2lbs in less than a week without doing anything else.
Mrs AB, Working Mother, Cheshire
Hi Alex,
Thank you!
I think if I was briefly to describe the effect of the treatment I would say...
I used to have a serious fear of speaking in public or giving presentations even to a small group.
The fear would have both physical and mental symptoms including stomach upset, sweating, anxious thoughts, inability to sleep the night before and spending unnecessary time thinking and dreading the event even if it was some time away.
I would be extremely fearful at the time and would be unable to listen to other delegates or speakers before me. Apart from saying something wrong or not knowing the answers to questions from others the anxiety didn't really have any other specific reasons and was really general about being in that situation at all.
The fear and anxiety had not improved in years despite having plenty of opportunity to practice.
The session with you felt calm even if somewhat emotional at times due to the fear being deeply held and obviously connected to earlier experiences. I felt more confident and reassured when I was able to draw strength from words and colours etc. Being open about the fear kind of made it reduce or even disappear.
After the session I was able to sleep properly the night before my event, get ready and go there without much fuss or upset and without being sweaty, shaking and dry mouthed.
I attended and was able to hear, listen and understand what others had to say before me. When I spoke I did so with fewer nerves than before, I was still apprehensive but it felt more natural and at an acceptable level rather then the morbid fear I previously had.
Since then I have been able to develop and deliver my own training sessions to medium and large groups. I am now able to speak and present whilst fitting my other work around it instead of being consumed by the event.
I would definitely recommend the treatments even once to reduce immediate anxieties. I can definitely see the value in follow up sessions in cases of generalized anxiety disorder etc where more long term work may be needed. I found it extremely positive.
Thanks again
Miss LT, Manager, London
I highly recommend online coaching with Alex,
There's something special about his style and approach...
consistent, disciplined and structured, yet creative and flexible to respond to me as an individual, communicating easily and openly with me.
Alex has wonderful human qualities that flow through any technology he uses work with you. He is warm, humorous...is very patient and puts you utterly at ease, displaying lots of empathy and perceptiveness, energy, insightfulness, and a broad view of the possibilities. I also felt he was a genuinely excited about my goals and committed to supporting me.
I found Alex's highly accurate listening and feedback skills
positive, encouraging, and motivating.
Sessions with him are exciting and fun. He's a truly intuitive and creative coach. Our time together left me feeling heard and understood, and was highly thought-provoking.
Alex's coaching has given me more perspective... I am living life to the full (in accordance with my values!) and my career is moving to the next level.
Thanks Alex,
Miss JC, Fertility Coach Northern Ireland
As parents of a child approaching GCSEs, we had noticed our son's anxiety/stress levels rising. After just one session there was a marked difference. In total, he had 4 sessions and his stress levels decreased massively (he was suffering multiple daily nosebleeds which totally stopped!). When the exam season came, He literally breezed his way through, he managed his revision well and I don't think his men and I have ever seen him as relaxed (whilst remaining completely focused). It has made us think, that if we had potential stressors or were anxious, we should use Alex; and would!
Mr BC, Medical PR actioner, Manchester
Climbing wise on my trip. Alex's hypnosis must have worked when I thought about every thing that happened when i arrived home after a climbing trip. I realized I was less stressed overall and considering the scale of the climbs, i was apprehensive on each but not too stressed. I tried a Lead climb and climbed really relaxed which is a big improvement.
Another bonus is that recently my work situation took a nose dive and I had to undergo interviews for 4 jobs. It was my partner who pointed this out, even though I was stressed before each one. Not sleeping well and such. Once I was in the individual companies room the stress left me and in fact I was offered all 4 positions. That sounds like a bonus to me. Thank you for your help.
Mr RB, Engineer, Manchester
I had never tried hypnosis or tapping before but Alex was calming yet confident, explaining in detail any queries which I had surrounding the process. I found the whole experience far better than I had expected, coming away from each session feeling uplifted and positive. I looked forward to our weekly sessions and would not hesitate to use Alex again if I ever felt the need for his professional help.
Miss HD, Estate Agent, Cheshire
After having a baby I was struggling to get used to eating for just one again. In particular I'd got into the habit of eating (lots of) cakes and having previously been a very healthy eater it was getting me down. I also wanted to get back into my pre pregnancy wardrobe. A friend recommended Alex for hypnotherapy. I was sceptical but was actually blown away by the treatment. The baby weight came off and although I still have the occasional cake it's under control.
Mrs SC, Freelance Journalist, Cheshire
I had previously struggled seeing other therapists and discussing such a traumatic part of my life and I found CBT a hard process to deal with emotionally. Before meeting Alex I was sceptical of hypnosis and had no understanding of EFT. Working with Alex I felt safe, relaxed and reassured,. He talked me through the processes and after each session I felt as though I had achieved an outcome and had a goal to work towards. If Alex felt I would benefit from anything else he'd advice me on this thoroughly. I knew I was welcome to contact him if anything came up between sessions and wanted to talk through. Over time EFT became my personal safe space and gives me time to reflect and process situations safely. I ultimately feel it's the rock that grounds me. I couldn't recommend Alex Highly enough for his time, patience in getting me back on track.
Ms JS NHS Consultant. Manchester