


The Compass Tree


•     Are you terrified of spiders?

•     Does your fear of flying mean you have to make holiday decisions based on places you can get to without flying?

•     Does hearing a dog bark set your heart on overdrive?

•     Does the thought of blood or needles send you running?

•     Do you avoid going to the dentist?

I am passionate about helping people clear phobias because I know how limiting they can become. My fear of heights was huge. I would completely freeze and not only in situations that would seem logical. I have had panic attacks in bookshops, standing still but looking up at tall objects, in cinemas, in one art gallery in Paris I had to be escorted out in the exhibition lift. Two of the worst times were once in Lisbon, visiting friends I froze on a stair case and couldn't move for two hours whilst my dinner was going cold just one floor up. Most dangerous of all was the time I switched lanes whilst driving, heading directly towards an on-coming truck in order to avoid a three foot drop. My friends bringing me glasses of gin and tonic on the stairs alleviated the experience in Portugal. As crazy as it seemed, after enough gin to knock most people out, the fear alleviated. Having recovered from the worst hangover ever the next day. I realised if alcohol can switch off the panic symptoms in my brain, then 1) they can be switched off and 2) there must be an alternative method to reach the same aim. There is, I have found several, and now I combine them daily to help people get over their own anxieties and fears.

There are literally thousands of fears and phobias, some seem so irrational to the outside world, that the sufferer carries huge amounts of shame for suffering in the first place. I am a 6'6” man who for years did his best to hide a napkin phobia, as well as a buffet phobia. Some family events would literally send me into a panic that I had to disguise through drinking. I believe me there is no fear so out-there that it feels irrational to the sufferer. In my opinion the definition of Phobia being an irrational fear is a misdiagnosis. They are real, very real.

To me phobia is in fact the natural stress response of the nervous system to give you the impetuous to get away from whatever is stressing you. The panic generated after the brain becomes aware of a specific trigger. This is such a highly developed part of our bodies that it doesn't even need to go through conscious processing. Your brain hits the emergency button often before you even acknowledge you have seen the spider (or whatever it is) Your personal trigger may be a physical thing, a photograph of the physical thing or even the thought of it.  You may even be triggered by something less tangible like a fragrance or taste or a noise. Often the mere mention of the trigger can be enough to set a phobic reaction in motion.

It is important to note here that all phobias can be cleared. They are learnt reactions to something outside of you, and they can be unlearned. All phobic reactions are your subconscious' way of trying to protect you. My job is to renegotiate with your subconscious to find a better way to keep you safe.

Even if you have no idea what or when they first started, they can still be cleared. There are a number of processes that I use to help people clear their fears. I use the best bits of all to help you live free of it forever.

Also, I think you might find comfort in the fact that I have helped some clients were too afraid to say what their phobia is of when we first start to work. That's fine too. I have helped release many phobias without ever knowing what the client was afraid of. Many therapist claim to be able to rid people of phobias in a matter of minutes. Although this can be true, it depends on how complex the phobic response is and how resistant the subconscious mind might be to changing. Some of my phobias vanished after one session, others like my fear of heights took longer. On average I would say most phobias can be cleared in no more than three sessions. If you have any questions please fill out the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as I can

To quote one of my favourite films. “A life lived in fear is a life half lived.” Strictly Ballroom
